Lately I have been running around so much. I usually go from work to my apartment, change quickly and head to yoga or quickly eat some dinner before heading to the gym. By the time I return from my workout, I have to make my lunch for the next day, shower and usually talk to my bf online for a bit and then before I know it, it’s past 9pm and I like to head to bed around 9:30/10 since I get up early for work. Yesterday I decided to take a rest day from all the running around. Sometimes you just need it. I thought I would share what I did with my rest day in a thinking out loud post to join Amanda!
1. I was really craving some Thai food, so I decided to treat myself to my favorite Thai restaurant located practically around the corner from my apartment. It was actually the first restaurant I went to when I moved in. It was great getting in a walk to go get my dinner. I even reached my 10K steps for the day before eating 🙂
2. I worked up an appetite with that walking. For dinner I got spring rolls, sauteed tofu and chicken pad thai. A lot of food, but I planned for it to be for 2-3 meals anyway. It was a delicious plate of food.
2. While I eat, I like to watch a bit of tv, but I don’t have cable, nor a couch. So I watch things on my computer at my desk. Since 19 kids and counting returned last week, I have been dying to see the new episode, thankfully it was finally up on Youtube. I may be a bit addicted to the show…guilty pleasure…but I mean I had to see some of the details of Jill’s wedding.
3. let’s rewind back to lunch yesterday, ummm the fountain never fails to surprise me these days. Sometimes it’s clear, sometimes it’s light yellow, lately it has been shades of green, like lime green last week and more of a teal green/blue yesterday. I will also probably end up with 1000 pictures of this fountain in no time, seeing as I take like 5 a day (at least when it is nice and sunny).
4. Â Â I didn’t know why the fountain was dyed green in September, I mean it’s clearly not March or St. Patrick’s Day, but I was informed when posting and asking why it was green on Instagram that it’s for the Philadelphia Eagles. I don’t really follow sports clearly…I am also new to this city. I only know Chicago teams…
5. Â the lime green reminded me a bit of Slime Time Live on Nickelodeon. I know the top of the fountain isn’t in the lime green pic, but you can probably picture it from the other picture and just kind of reminded me of getting slimed. Speaking of that show, I was in the audience once, around my (12th?) birthday when we were in Orlando for spring break. A kid in front of me got pied in the face. I think I have my ticket stub from the show saved, but other than that, sadly none of my family caught it on tape (and this was just as digital cameras were starting to come out, I feel old sometimes), so I really don’t have any other proof, but just believe me. Also did you know they swap the audience half way through? Unless you got pied in the face, you had to leave and then I couldn’t see the end, I was not happy about that.
6. while we are talking about the past, it’s throwback Thursday also and I was showing my co workers that time I made a watermelon baby carriage in June 2013, since one of my co workers just became a dad.
it was a lot of work, but I would totally make it again if someone has a summer baby shower. I would also like to try making one out of a pumpkin…
7. and a second throwback Thursday photo that I just made as my desktop background at work. That time I did a bridge on the 103rd floor over Chicago at the top of the Sears Tower (I know it’s the Willis Tower now…)
8. And as I continue to talk about the past, taking the time to remember 9/11 today. Can’t believe that 13 years have passed. I can still remember the day like yesterday. I was in 6th grade, all the grades were called to separate places of the school early in the morning right after it had happened and we were told about it. My dad was out of town, supposed to come home that day, but luckily he wasn’t in NYC, he was in Texas I believe. We continued on with our school day and when I came home, I watched on the news as they replayed the planes hitting the towers. My family stayed in NYC that November for Thanksgiving. I wanted to see where the two towers were, but my parents wouldn’t take us.
However I finally made it to NYC for the first time since then (yep it only took about 13 years…), this April and I got to see the 9/11 memorial. I loved how people respected the area. When I was there it was a nice sunny day, though still a little chilly with our long winter. I enjoyed taking photos of the few flowers that some people had put by names of loved ones as well as seeing the amazing “survivor tree” that was nursed back to health in a NYC park and then moved to the memorial site. I may not have lost anyone I knew, but I went to college in Buffalo, NY and heard stories of that day in the city from people who do live there and I will definitely never forget that day.
Does anyone else remember Slime Time Live?
Do you remember what you were doing on 9/11/01?

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I can’t believe it’s already been 13 years — definitely doesn’t feel like that long. I was driving to school and listening to the radio when I heard the news. I honestly couldn’t believe it and thought it was some kind of joke at first, until I got to school and all the TVs were on and everyone was standing around in silence. Surreal. I haven’t been to NYC since I was really young and the towers were still standing, but I would love to go visit the memorial one day.
Yes the memorial is really nice. The whole plaza they are building around it is still under construction and they had not opened the museum yet that is planned when I was there, so I definitely want to go back when it is complete. Handy that I now live 90 minutes from NYC, though who knows how often I will really go there.
That’s a beautiful wheel pose taken at a beautiful setting! Can I just say how much I adore your slim frame?
Speaking of Thai food, pad Thai comes to mind. Have you tried that? It’s a nice nutty, tangy sauce over some noodles, usually fried.
Yes I love pad thai
Great post! I do not remember Slime Time but I will never forget 9/11…thanks for sharing! I love your Sears tower picture!
Thank you Ann