(first published on blogspot on Feb 2, 2014)
This weekend, I was absolutely crazy and drove 3 hours in snow to go see my friend and rub her baby belly. The good news was it wasn’t consistently snowing for the whole drive, but the roads were absolutely terrible from the snow overnight. As long as I had tire tracks to follow on the interstate and kept my speed around 40 mph, I was good. OK I was nervous the entire time!! But I kept my focus on the road in front of me. There weren’t too many cars around me, as most people were smart to stay off the roads in the morning. It was scary and good at the same time. I didn’t like how there weren’t many cars on the road in case I did get in an accident (luckily I didn’t), but it was also good because when the “lane” I was driving in would get too snowy, I would just move slowly over to the next lane that was slightly better. I say “lane” because obviously it was kind of hard to tell where the actually lane lines were and I was totally OK with driving in the middle of two lanes if it meant I could control my car better.
After three hours (on a normal day, it’d be two hours) I finally arrived, stepping hard on the gas pedal to get into the parking lot of the church where the baby shower was being held. I was so happy when I arrived safely there and couldn’t wait to just get out of my car for a bit and stand and stretch my legs. Then to see my friend and her baby belly. She is due in about 5 weeks!! OMG how time flies! (Sorry for the blurry pic, my phone camera is really not that good or my hand isn’t steady enough)
I was also starving when I arrived since I ate breakfast early and left later than planned, but had to wait for the baby shower to officially start. We had some little sandwiches, fruit, pasta salad, cheese and crackers. It was delicious and as you can see, I started eating before actually taking a picture.
Aren’t those wooden forks so cool?!?! Everyone at the shower was thinking maybe we should wash these and save them because they are so cool.
We then played a couple games, which were new to me (I’ve only been to 2 baby showers and we played different games at those ones). The first game, we had to close our eyes and draw what the baby might look like in 30 seconds. I forgot to take a pic of mine, but one of my legs was definitely not attached to the body of the baby…
Then we played a game which included phrases about pregnancy and after and we had to name a candy bar that went with it. We weren’t given any sort of candy bar list though so it was really tough. Ex: hospital bill = 100 Grand candy. That was the only one that most people got right. I think the highest score was 2 correct out of 20…no one was good at that game. I’m not a big candy person and some of the candies mentioned, I had never heard of.
Then it was time for cupcakes and presents. I made her a diaper cake with “cupcakes” made from onesies and baby socks. I had so much fun putting it together.
diaper cake |
onesie and sock cupcake |
finished product |
She got so many cute clothes and baby necessities. Then we cleaned up and I stayed the night at her place because there was no way I was going back in the same day with all the snow. My friend’s buried mailbox and all the snow piled high.
At least I had a buddy at her house. Simon loved me 🙂
The good news is, after staying the night, the roads were much clearer in the morning (once I made it out of the side streets…barely, I was scared my car was going to break with how much I had to slam on the gas and wiggle/zig zag down the street until I reached a semi plowed part). I made it home in the usual 2 hours and they were just plowing my street when I got home.
Also it’s February 2, I believe the groundhog said 6 more weeks of winter and there is already snow in the forecast for Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday this coming week. Because of all this weather and the holidays, I realized I’ve only worked a full work week once in the past 5 weeks. It’s pretty crazy and I’m getting too used to the delayed starts and less than 40 hours a week, going back to full work weeks is going to be tough LOL.
Hope everyone enjoys the Superbowl. I’m not into sports, but I think I’ll watch some of the puppy bowl tonight.

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